Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Class Notes 9: Reviewing for the exam

Calasso: pg. 209-212 (four stories to the quaternity--much like Myers-Briggs test), Zeus (thinking) Athena (sensation) Dionysus (feeling) Demeter (intuition)  also talked about in terms of space. Zeus (up) Athena (out---civic-polis-community) Dionysus (down, not thinking, pure feeling, thonic diety-relating to the underworld) Demeter (in function)

Narcissus flower
the tripartite goddess-- maiden mother crone

244--chapter 8 the Elusynian mysteries...

the supremacy of the visible

336-we see now as through a glass darkly...
daylight and light as important metaphors in homeric theology
"let me look at the light one last time"-- Ephiginea
"do it in the sun"--Odysseus
pg 359--Zeus has prepared a woeful destiny for us...so that in the future we might be sung of for the bards"

the blues...Robert Johnson
we suffer so people can write blues songs about us...
 383-(387)390- Definition of mythology as the precedent behind every action
invasion of the mind and the body vs. a convivial
the necklace from Aphrodite
to invite the gods ruins our relationship with them.
to invite the gods creates disasters...
Cadmus becomes the founder of the city of Thebes....sets in motion a series of disasters
gave the greeks the gift of fly's feet
brought vowels and consonants...gave them the alphabet
all of his daughters turned out badly

the great Pan is dead
WB Yeats poem
Dionysus from the Bacchae
Eleusynian material

what does spiritus mundi mean?
--spirit of the world
in the marriage of cadmus and harmony, what two animals were drawing the couples chariot?
--the lion and the boar
What country are the nacirema tribe from?
Which of the three things important at the elusinian mysteries was important to the theater?
--the thing done (dromenon/drama)
The word psychology is not the study of the mind, but of the?
pg 204 calasso
What is the basis of our present legal system?
--story of Orestes
In mythology there is a night where women beat men with sticks--what its it?
--tete toge (day of the dead)
What is the animal that is associated with the tarboleum?
--A bull
What makes something sacred?
--it has to be made sacred, they don't come that way
According to your instructor, the real hero is?
--us (me)
Jame's joyce's novel which talks about an ordinary person is based on?
It always starts with a ___ and a _____
--a girl and a bird
What is the greek image for the soul?
What did Zeus injest when he ate the mother of athena?
--Metis (wisdom)  Athena born from his head
WHich word best typifies a space cared out in which sacred rituals are carried out?
WHo is the god of the double door and what does it mean? (Dithyramb(os))
--Dionysus--born twice, once of a mother Semele, and from Zeus' thigh...he wants you to see double
--Dithyramb (os)

Diomone--Demon, the angel of your better nature...now in the religious age, it means demonic
What was said to end the pagan world and initiate the religious age
--great Pan is dead
Whats the difference between gods and heroes?
--mortality--the gods don't die...
ON what occassion do the furies get pissed?
--kill your mom (blood murder)
What is the psychological development of the femenine?
--story of psyche and eros
Which ritual was repeated many times during our presentations?
--the australian rain making ritual
What is the name of the peasant girl that the king threw a sandal at?
--charila  re-read this passage....163
---answer is Antigone
What is the root behind senator?

an image that is presumably universal...but found most clearly in myth and fantasy

---archetype (mythological typologies)
22 points of the hero formula
WHo covers most more than anyone? Oedipus
What christian ritual did we discuss that had to do profoundly with death and rebirth?
Why did demeter put the baby in the fire?
to make him immortal
If you have someone in your family who is a daddys girl, who is she modeling?


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