Thursday, September 29, 2011

Class Notes 6: Mmmm Churchill Burger....Or: "Lauren, could you please expose your right ear lobe..."

The Labyrinth:  profoundly mythological
Jorge Luis Borges
blog assignment: respond to someone else's blog
the secret that Prometheus knew..
Egg: image of creation   (Easter...)
Ashley's blog:
hat with wings...Hermes
why at the flower shop....gonna send you some flowers fast
(deterioration of mythology)
The Game... Nicholas... The Magus
Maddie's blog: purification and communion...expulsion and assimilation
FIC- to make, to make up   (i.e. fiction)  SACRA= to make sacred...
Jewish sacrifice.. necessary element of violence
Sherwood:  Calasso  147 "NO sooner have you grabbed hold of it than myth opens up into a thousand segments"  it blossoms...

Pasifae...  mated with a bulll (Zeus) = Minotaur
Daedelus:  first thing he built for Minos, King of Crete was the labyrinth. needed to be fed every month, so male and female virgins shipped to Crete to feed the minotaur. Shortage of Virgins...damn.
What shall we do?  Who ya gonna call?
Call a hero...Theseus
Andy Kaufmann ....  Mighty Mouse
Ozzy: killing friendly mythological muppets

Dionysus, God of intoxication and wine
not being in your proper mind
Sibyl:  oracle who knew many things


The Fall: movie about a girl with a wild imagination....told a story about 5 mythological ppl working together.

Test one week from today
The Beginnings:
Jill's blog: Eliade book online
Othello- put out the lights...and then put out the light (put her to death...Desdemona)
Robert Frost- miles to go before I sleep...and miles to go before I sleep

1. Conviviality-out going and friendly
2. Rape-Sudden powerful invasion that pluchks away the flower of thought
3. Indifference-The Gods withdraw

Cosmogonic myths... gon, gam= birth
pg. 83 in Eliade
1. creation ex nihilo- creation out of nothing
2. earth diver myth
3. creation by dividing in two a primordial unity
a. separation of the parents
b. separation of the amorphous mass
c. separation the cutting into of a cosmogenic egg

Homeric theology: you only get one shot at life...don't mess it up

an act of violence caused us to be here:
The Maarind-anim: Ameta
 (tell us about a dream in your blog)
dreams are a great source of mythological material
pay attention to weird...
repetition of the number 3 in mythology

Osiris...being torn to pieces .... and planted
spreading of the parts of the divine being...
Tupac Amaru...whose body parts were distributed across Peru when he was dismembered by Spanish colonists
You are what you eat
Churchill burgers

"If I were a rich man"  Fiddler on the Roof lyrics
abduction, metamorphoses
Inuma alish- when on high
Barisheet- in the beginning  (Hebrew)
Tihum (Hebrew, nothingness) = monster, Tiamat (Babylonian)
Call a hero. It could be Marduk. But who knows, it could be this guy:
Human beings were born in the blood of a traitor. Thus, they are subordinate to the Gods.
If a white cloth had been put over the face of a King, he knows his time is up. He has grown old, is washed up, and therefore must die. Long live the King. The "Golden Bough"- Sir James George Frazer
Scottish anthropologist.  the old man being taken over by the young whipper snapper.
Young overcoming the old.
Four creation stories:
4. God creates by his voice  (latest)
3.The world is created from the body of a goddess
2. Female goddess, and a male snake (shed their skin) secret of eternal life (Gilgamesh)
1.  The female who created the world all by herself (earliest)

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