Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Class Notes 7:

Lauren...Theresa...Maddie....Juniper:  we're awesome. 'nuff said.

everyone bookmark Cortney: cortneybury.blogspot.com
 Today: going to assign groups
Lauren's group: 6

mythology in everyday life.  Be surprising, interesting and wonderful. That's all.
The Test:

1. everyone needs to know the following items from Eliade:  Haineweli and Creative Murder, Pythian apollo, earth mother of all, enumelish, Hesiod's theogony, Saturn devouring his children (painting)  nothing else from the test...
2. Calasso: First six chapters, and exact pages: 5 (the basket, the picture of your story, Europa)  15 (etyologuy, why do greek men have slim hips?) 39 (goats, Rigoree and her father escarious..johnny appleseed mythological equivalent) 81 (who has more fun making love, man or woman? soothsayer Tireseus..it was women, Hera turned him into a woman for 5 years, thus she blinded him) 94 (Ate-divine infatuation, a life without it isn't worth anything) 383- the definition of myth--the precedent behind every action

illo tempore-- in the beginning....once upon a time...in the dream time

52 (and meagan's blog, the decline of the ages...conviviality...rape...indifference)
176- (how it all came about, not just how it began..Pelops...who was Pelops...Peloponesian war... and also a son of Tantalus..chopped up Pelops and fed him as a stew to the gods...Meneleus and Agamemnon, without them no Trojan war)

Leda and the Swan by WB Yeats

A sudden blow: the great wings beating still
    Above the staggering girl, her thighs caressed
    By the dark webs, her nape caught in his bill,
    He holds her helpless breast upon his breast.

    How can those terrified vague fingers push
    The feathered glory from her loosening thighs?
    And how can body, laid in that white rush,
    But feel the strange heart beating where it lies?

    A shudder in the loins engenders there
    The broken wall, the burning roof and tower[20]
    And Agamemnon dead.

                        Being so caught up,

    So mastered by the brute blood of the air,
    Did she put on his knowledge with his power
    Before the indifferent beak could let her drop? 
Zeus took the form of a Swan...If she is ravaged by a divinity, does she take on his form and his power?
Laid two eggs, from one Castor and Pollux and the other Helena and Clitemnestra, two sets of twins...
Beginning of Jill's blog: Eliade's statement on various kinds of creation stories, need to know this very thoroughly  eschatology
1. mother of the muses--Mnemosyne
2. what was persephone doing when hades abducted her? picking flowers
particular flower--narcissus
3. the suggestion that we are all prisoners regarding the flickering images on the wall as reality refers to what myth/allegory/fable:the allegory of the cave-Plato
4. Who was always described as deceitful and beautiful, she was salso thought to be a phantom: Helen  who had the face that launched a thousand ships? Marlowe
5. Who was Europe named after? Europa
6. What is the mythological root of this word...enthusiasm? en-theos...the god inside you...to be god-possessed
7. Who arrives unexpected and possesses? Dionysus
8.who says "one more time, Athena, love me as much as you can." Odysseus
Hercules is Antony's tutelary spirit...diomones, divine spririts...daemons..
9. abduction is always followed by....metamorphoses (getting married is an abduction dream...transferrance of property from one male to another) all marriage is rape
10. Who was born from the dismembered members of Uranus? Aphrodite
what does aphrodite mean? born of the foam
11.  who was the mother of the minotaur? pasiphae
12. tearing of limbs? Sparagmos
13. what follows sparagmos---homophagia...the consumption of the flesh....communion rites..
14. 3 stages of mythological monomyth...separation..initiation...return/initiationwhat do all heroes want to do? they want to go home, to arrive where they started
15. define anamnesis..the pugnacious paradox, you already know what you need to knwo, you just forgot...recollection...what have we forgotten according to Plato? everything of any importance
16. what does the word apocalypse actually mean? to take off the veil,referring to calypso, the veiled one
17. what is eschatology? the study of ends, end times...
18. what in the greek story was housed in the labyrinth? minotaur
19. who was the destroyer of the delights? death from the arabian nights, we have our stories, and then the destroyer 
20. zeus came as a what when he abducted io? io: cloud europa: bull leda: swan  the shower of gold: danae, who gave birth to perseus.. Semele, daughter of Cadmus: took the form of a mortal...can you do me a favor? when a god agrees to do something they cant take it back... can you show yourself to me as you really are? she burns up, zeus grabs the fetus and puts it into his thigh and dionysus is born. 

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