Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Class Notes 3

If you undergo an initiation experience, it's undoubtedly painful....

Going through the "syllabus" or reading schedule.... need to read 2 chapters of Calasso/ wk.

Today we are giving oral presentations of creation stories. Here's mine, it appears originally in Keepers of the Earth: http://books.google.com/books?id=HsK1IPPUAl8C&pg=PA25&source=gbs_toc_r&cad=4#v=onepage&q&f=false

This is one that I used to tell with children at The Imago Earth Center ( www.imagoearth.com ) , a non-profit nature center located in a very urban area of my hometown in Cincinnati, OH.

There could be nothing more greek than Herodotus's amazement on discovering that in Persia no one could make a sacrifice unless a Magus was there to oversee the ceremony...   247, Calasso

DON'T read Abby's blog! She let's "the cat out of the bag" about the Magus.


Justin/ : Moon said that when people died they would come back to life.
Old man told the moon to keep people alive.
End of story.

Meagan/ African origin:
 God Juwak wanted to create humans...picked up black dirt and made black people...white sand/white ppl....brown mud...brown ppl... legs like flamingos....arms for farm tools

close to mine....bottom of the ocean there are seeds....son decides to go down to the earth/ changed into a duck...dove down to get the seeds

Sam Middlestead/Himalayan: Mother nature/father winter...group of devils destroyed everything that was dear to them...brought five clouds into their region...Mount Everest was their love child

Theresa: 56- in Eliade:Poem/Story: but who can say how creation happened...wrapped in layers of darkness...not nothingness but before nothingness...desire descended upon it...a seed born of the mind...

Wena Tsan/Hispanic legend/ La llorona/ : beautiful Maria...thought she was better than everyone else, didn't want the men in her village. Said  "when i grow older Im gonna marry the most handsome man in the world" saw a man riding his horse...he proposed to her....they eventually had 2 children... later he went back to the farm to work...and found a new woman more elegant than her...Maria drowned her children in the river....killed herself...villagers found her body and buried her in a white robe....heard a weeping sound coming from the river

Andrew 50/ : water/ tree in the beginning. There was a nest w/ 6 animals: coyote/panther/falcon/hawk/condor/eagle   eagle decided to make earth. sent out the ducks. dirt/water/seeds made dough. wolf needs to shout. dough vanished. lake...

Many "earth-diver" myths... 

Jenny Thornburg/ Slipper:  village messenger. wouldnt let the sister go with him...maybe tomorrow....but brother got sick....now sister had to cross the lake for him. she put on moccassins and went into the snowstorms... bloody footprints....brought herbs...each of the bloody footprints= a ladyslipper flower

Ashley/ Iroquois earth-diver myth:

Maddy/Medicine: Animals used to live peacefully together and talk to one another. Then they multiplied too much and had to seperate. the humans started using the animals for food and that made them very angry. animals waged war with human weapons on the humans. bears sacrificed themselves for the strings. Old White Bear. The creation of medicine.

Lisa/ Sierra Nevadas:  crow and eagle...fishing...piles of dirt....duck

Vittoria Porcella/Norse:  Umir drinking from the udders of the cow. Odin kills Umir...from his blood it drowned all of the giants... sons of boor carried Umir's body and created the earth out of it....flesh=earth  blood=ocean/lakes    brains=clouds   two trees...man and woman.. spirit and life Ask and Embla...

Jill Yoder/ Legend of Devil's Tower:

Parker Dunn/Crow/Old Man Coyote Creates Earth:

Matthew/ Creation of the Lamppost:

Enjoy....I'll try to add more details later!

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