Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Class Notes 4: water, water everywhere...

More Creation stories...

Jason:  Myth #34 Eliade-Yao Mani Yokoots? :  water water everywhere....then a giant tree. chillin in the nest...wolf...eagles...
dough guy....creation

More earth-diver myths

"a change of style is a change of subject" - Wallace Stevens

To Be: a good way to define an etyology... how an elephant got its trunk...

Hamlet: to be or not to be...
perchance to dream...aye there's the rub...

ontology: the study of being...   Shakespeare

what is the nature of being...what does it mean to be?

Calasso is working with 600-700  sources 
Hermes and The Lyre from Homeric Hymns
No music before this happened...reminds me of how my radio recently stopped 
Kevin is being mythological today: musicians on his tshirt- Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix...are gods to us today
Music comes from the muses...
this unfamiliar sound is a divine thing...what anguish healing music is this?
Eliade is not going to simplify the world for us

Pythian Apollo:  from the rottiong body of Python comes the Oracle at Delphi

Mesopotamian Cosmogony
Hesiod's Theogony and Cosmogony: the creation story of the ancient greeks. not just how the world came to be with uranus and gaia, but also rebellion of their children til we get to Zeus.
dyaus-dayeus-ze-eu-pitar (rock and the head, pate) jupiter... from the sanskrit
Freud loved this story fit his idea of the psyche, male children over coming their fathers with the aid of their mothers
Patterns of Initiation:  the "middles" of the class
now that you're here, what is life like? only one answer: life is suffering
initiation ceremonies are secret: 
First phase: separation (being kicked out of something that was really nice) 
Second: initiation
Third: transformation
  5 extra points for being a twin or adopted
I had a womb-mate
Here's the big mythological thing. Everything you need to know about mythology you can learn in 3 pictures. 

circle. two halves. dash circle
in the beginning there is wholeness, harmony, everything is great.
one day something happens

says Lear when he meets Gloucester: let me wipe it first it smells of mortality: when we are born we cry that we have come to this great stage of fools

our first introduction to the world is TRAUMATIC
you recreate the birth trauma when you are scared

your very earliest memory, with something that you did that you were told not to do and you got in trouble:  doing the thing of which you were commanded not to do

the word to use between stage one an stage two

good scar stories...

the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to.

your early memories will congregate around our communal creation story.  our culture's- do not eat of that fruit---avocados- of the tree of knowledge. 
the python, the snake, more subtle than other creatures

when did you know you were naked.  naked as a jaybird. 
that's a no-no

princess and the golden ball. falls down the well. frog says he'll get the ball on one condition, that she let the frog live in her house, eat her food and sleep in her bed.
Hans my hedgehog- Grimm story
she kisses the frog---and he turns into the prince (transformation)
all 3 cycles into this story
seperation: all okay til ball falls in well
initiation: kissing the frog
transformation-transmigration of souls... frog is a prince
paradise-paradise lost-paradise regained
Campbell:  the hero with a thousand faces
star wars...
luke skywalker is an iconic mythological figure including all of the things in the mythological formula, the "mono-myth" as he calls  it
through the agency of intelligence and imagination you can recreate the beginnings
coleridge poem: Kubla Kahn
"that with music loud and long I would build that dome..."
drunk the milk of paradise...

aboriginees.... puberty initiation rites.
circumcision. yum. separation from mother's milk. 

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