Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Class Notes

New assignment: Need a 3 minute creation story for next class.

-visual boosters
-books:  techniques of consolation

Justin: the moon and the origin of death

To expect in Chapter 2 of Eliade's Primitives to Zen:

(can be found here: www.mircea-eliade.com/from-primitives-to-zen/index.html )
Io/ Maori cosmology
Earthdiver creation myth
myth of beginnings of endings
Scandinavian creation story

3 parts to story we tell in this class:
Aristotle: 3 things of all good literature beginning, middle, and an end
sublimely simple/ great truths
The 3 Big Things

never a duplicate in storytelling....
part of requirement for this class is to become 3 years old again
"tell me the same story"

Luddites: Robert Ludd- took a hammer and destroyed all industry because he hated technology....

visit Daniel's blog for technical info:  www.danielleawoken.blogspot.com

Tree hugging assignment:  Jenny Thornburg's blog
Diamon's like tutelary spirit
Genie/Genius....  altar ego/ other self who is there for you if you look for him or her

suffering: not always a bad thing-menas you are paying attention
Calasso:  page 93-94 "whenever their lives were set aflame through desire or suffering or even reflection, the homeric heroes knew that a god was at work. they endured god, but...
thus disposed of their emotion their shame..

...to me you are not the cause, only the gods can be causes"
Hamlet: the player kings description of the death of old Priam

opposite of today's response...."take responsibility for your own actions"

"no psychology since has ever gone beyond this...all we have done is invent for those powers...
(oedipus complex, etc.)
what god is present in your life that makes this happen?
these gods may be projections of our own imaginations, but what isn't?
 the homeric heroes knew nothing of that word, responsibility
....such infirmity meant that the gods were present and at work....
 ate:  infatuation, where you are no longer in control of a situation, something has possessed you
enthusiasm: (enthus) (en-thus) (theos-god)  in god....
 (theodore) one beloved of god
micha-el one who is like god
the gods are all there ersting in our names, our reflections, our desire and suffering

venus/aphrodite/ eros/ gods of desire

athena/odysseus (wily odysseus) loved liars
enthusiasm-possessed by the gods....most oft refers to dionysus  "cmon, have another"

so cute...

the things we call modern and contemporary are actually quite ancient.
 My Chemical Romance....alchemy... lead into gold... alchemy is about the perfection of the human spirit
what rock concert do you wish you could go to?
it's Michael Sexton's birthday! wants to go to the first music concert ever...

the lyre... the Homeric Hymns- a group of songs sung to various divinities: to Demeter, Apollo, etc.

Hesiod- Theogany
GOMY= birth
Cupid- eros...venus...
Hermes: Maya/Zeus  like baby Stuey...stole cattle from Apollo, a trickster...would play tricks during the day and jump back in his crib. "Born Yesterday" movie. Hermes kills a turtle and uses cat gut to make the lyre... to make up for his mischeif for Apollo. invention of music....
Arachne--Minerva- Spiders...

"you bitch"...
Charlotte... Wilbur never forgot, Charlotte.
think about ETIOLOGIES: how did it all begin?

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